Thursday, March 6, 2008

"You and I live and breathe by our organizers and calendars--while Jesus lived each interruption as God's divine appointment. Think about that: living daily to expect an interruption as a divine appointment with God. Regarding circumstances in our lives, we perhaps are quick to say, 'What a coincidence.' Or 'You won't believe what happened!' Jesus was never surprised by the activity of God. In fact, He only did what the Father told Him to do. In Matthew, chapter 8, Jesus was interrupted eleven times. Each interruption met the needs of the people, showed His power, and displayed God's glory. He kept stopping along the way, embracing the interruptions, so that He could minister, heal, and offer eternal life. What an example! Consider living in the expectancy of interruptions turned into divine encounters."
- Esther Burroughs, excerpt from the book Women at the Well

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